Monday, April 26, 2010

Por Kilo.

Fellini is a "por kilo" establishment. What this means is that you pay for what you eat. Unlike the churrascarias (Brazilian barbecue joints), you don't eat to your heart's content, but rather to your wallet's. And this doesn't come cheap to Americans where the dollar is low, low, low. At about $35 or so "por kilo" (which is 2.25 pounds), the price adds up quick. That's bad for big America appetites, but perfect for the locals (who are the main clientele), who are Brazilian and, thus, are trying to keep their beach bodies in shape. 

You grab what you want -- salad, hot and cold foods, sushi, ice cream, pastry, whatever and your plate is weighed. The waiters will come to your table and you'll order drinks -- booze, fresh juices and smoothies, cafezinho (espresso) or whatever -- and they add that to your bill. 

There are many por kilos in Rio. They're popular because they're fast and offer variety.  I went to a competitor, a chain called Frontera (there are several in Rio). I couldn't help but compare. Frontera -- BIG. Food -- similar. Desserts -- couldn't hold a spatula to Fellini's. But Fellini has something Frontera doesn't -- exclusivity and intimacy. Fellini is like a por kilo "Cheers" -- it has regulars (like the guy who always comes in and wants his veggies boiled  -- he's dieting) and everybody knows your name. 

 Read the link

Read about Por Kilo restaurants in Rio de Janeiro

1 comment:

  1. Annabel lee

    I am reading your blog and i am missing you.It was great to have you with us and tell us more what are you doing.

    Millions of kisses
